Corporate Mission
As innovators we invest time, creativity, imagination, network and energy into the most promising fields of technolgy transformation. And as experienced as well as capable innovators and business people we know what we do by heart and brain.
Yuri Milner said one day quite wisely „ It’s not how much something’s worth today, it’s what it’s worth in five or 10 years.“ He has done with his prove that he is right. And „worth“ isn´t just money.
In this complex environment we keep things as simple as possible. Our industry of interest has to be just right – high CAGRs, advanced thinking combined with cutting edge technology and virtually unlimited scalability are the pillars. Plus not only commercially viable but sustainably good for the society and environmentally sound at the same time. That is our formula for extraordinary profitability in its true sense.
Combine the essence of Big Data, sophisticaed database platform technology, Blockchain security, advanced Artificial Intelligence, the benefits of a Cloud based infrastructure and the Software as a Service (SaaS) as robotic high efficiency method – than you have a good part of the TTIP mystery. Add knowledge of markets and people plus an intelligent crouwd of „family & friends“ as finacial supportes and benficiaries. That´s TTIP. The Technology Transformation & Innovation Partnership.